TNT The Eco.nomical Solution is an E'xotic textile and Tag artists dream. The price is right, a limited time offer!

This line consists of very select color options that was implemented through years of R&D and feed-back from professional tag and tee shirt artists that know their business inside and out without a doubt. This product is gauged on wash-fastness or laundry-fastness and works just as great on 100% cotton as it does on polyester and cotton blends and adheres very well to interior surfaces as well as license plates. TNT The Eco.nomical Solution requires heat-setting for permanence. Your typical rattle can will do just fine for clearing license plates.

TNT works so well, those who are using it tell us its one of the best textile products yet to be found on the market anywhere with a wild and exotic range of color options to choose from and growing. So if textiles and tags is your business, we have your answer. Visit our web store for more information and ordering. The place where color meets the surface. Comes in two handy sizes, 2ounce and 32 ounce pro-stock. This is a limited time offer.

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